Save Me



Gather complete knowledge about one single thing and make that accessible for the public in the form of a book. The form of the final outcome (size, binding, stock etc.) should be appropriate to the content and intention of your work, be fully resolved and show attention to detail in all aspects of its content, design and production.


My book focuses on the topic of sea turtles and the environmental issues they face due to human destruction.

I have produced my book to a high quality, using 160gsm recycled paper and perfect binding. I have a strong personal belief that marine life should be protected and that many people need to be educated on how humans are causing detrimental impacts to oceanic life.My book helps deliver this message to a wide audience who need to be educated further on how they can contribute to saving marine life.

The form of your final outcome (size, binding, stock etc.) should be appropriate to the content and intention of your work, be fully resolved and show attention to detail in all aspects of its content, design and production. The form of your final outcome (size, binding, stock etc.) should be appropriate to the content and intention of your work, be fully resolved and show attention to detail in all aspects of its content, design and production.You will gather complete knowledge about one single thing and make that accessible for the public in the form of a book,
Suspendisse potenti. Donec feugiat ultrices bibendum. Phasellus vestibulum est quis dictum dictum. Aenean venenatis turpis non eros condimentum, et lacinia risus pulvinar. Vestibulum luctus diam quis turpis faucibus, eu scelerisque nisi elementum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque vulputate lorem quis eleifend condimentum. Etiam molestie consectetur ipsum a consectetur. Aliquam tempus, felis non ullamcorper consectetur deus.
       Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam blandit, neque vel vulputate pulvinar, arcu eros ullamcorper diam, sed rutrum augue enim pretium lorem. Nullam pulvinar tellus orci, sit amet gravida quam lobortis a. Suspendisse fringilla molestie dolor, quis porttitor nulla lacinia ut. Donec gravida ultrices velit, sed ornare tortor molestie vel. Sed ut urna odio. Duis ac euismod orci, sit amet.